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I write posts on Java, Concurrency, Design patterns, Spring Boot, React and anything that I learn on technology.

Latest Posts - Page 8

Java 8 - Lambda expressions

23 Jan, 2017

Java 8 reincarnated SAM interfaces and termed them Functional interfaces. Functional interfaces have single abstract method and are eligible to be represented with Lambda expression.


Comparing Apache Avro vs Java Serialization

20 Jan, 2017

I did run a comparsion of Apache Avro v/s Java Serialization. Apache Avro consumed 15-20 times less memory to store the serialized data. I created a class with three fields (two String and one enum and serialized them with Avro and Java.


Java 8 - Iterating collections and maps with "forEach", Consumer and BiConsumer

11 Jan, 2017

Java 8 introduced new way of iterating Collections API. It is retrofitted to support forEach method which accepts Consumer in case of Collection and BiConsumer in case of Map.


Java 8 - Newly introduced java.util.function package

09 Jan, 2017

Object cloning is the process of creating exact copy of the given object. There are two pre-requisite in java; 1) implement Cloneable interface and 2) override the clone() method defined in the java.lang.Object class.


Java 8 - Filtering with predicates

09 Jan, 2017

Object cloning is the process of creating exact copy of the given object. There are two pre-requisite in java; 1) implement Cloneable interface and 2) override the clone() method defined in the java.lang.Object class.
