Apache Ignite - Data grid, Compute grid, Service grid and sql queries examples

We will start with introduction and then showcase usage of Apache Ignite as running sql queries on grid, compute grid, data grid and service grid.

1. Introduction

In this post, we will show few examples on using Apache Ignite as Compute Grid, Data Grid, Service Grid and executing SQL queries on Apache Ignite. These are basic examples and use the basic api available. There will be few posts in near future which explains the available API in Compute Grid, Service Grid and Data Grid.

2. Apache Ignite SQL example

Apache Ignite comes with JDBC Thin driver support to execute SQL queries on the In memory data grid. In the example below, we will create tables, insert data into tables and get data from tables. I will assume that you are running Apache Ignite on your local environment otherwise please read setup guide for running Apache Ignite server.

2.1. Creating tables

try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ignite:thin://");
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();) {
//Point 1
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE City (id LONG PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR) WITH \"template=replicated\"");

//Point 2
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE Person (id LONG, name VARCHAR, city_id LONG, PRIMARY KEY (id, city_id)) WITH \"backups=1, affinityKey=city_id\"");

stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX idx_city_name ON City (name)");

stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE INDEX idx_person_name ON Person (name)");

Point 1: We are creating a City table with CacheMode as replicated which means it will be replicated on whole cluster. There are three possible values for CacheMode which is LOCAL, REPLICATED and PARTITIONED. We will discuss about this later in detail.

Point 2: We are creating Person table. You might have noticed affinityKey being used. The purpose of affinityKey is to collate the data together.

2.2. Inserting data into tables

try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO City (id, name) VALUES (?, ?)")) {

stmt.setLong(1, 1L);
stmt.setString(2, "Forest Hill");

stmt.setLong(1, 2L);
stmt.setString(2, "Denver");

stmt.setLong(1, 3L);
stmt.setString(2, "St. Petersburg");

try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO Person (id, name, city_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")) {

stmt.setLong(1, 1L);
stmt.setString(2, "John Doe");
stmt.setLong(3, 3L);

stmt.setLong(1, 2L);
stmt.setString(2, "Jane Roe");
stmt.setLong(3, 2L);

stmt.setLong(1, 3L);
stmt.setString(2, "Mary Major");
stmt.setLong(3, 1L);

stmt.setLong(1, 4L);
stmt.setString(2, "Richard Miles");
stmt.setLong(3, 2L);

2.3. Querying data from tables

try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:ignite:thin://");
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT p.name, c.name FROM Person p, City c WHERE p.city_id = c.id")) {
while (rs.next())
System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + ", " + rs.getString(2));

This is how you can run sql queries on Apache Ignite. The full example code is available at Github.

3. Apache Ignite Compute Grid example

In this example, we will use Ignite's compute grid to fetch data.

try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(defaultIgniteCfg("cache-reading-compute-engine"))) {
long cityId = 1;

ignite.compute().affinityCall("SQL_PUBLIC_CITY", cityId, new IgniteCallable<List<String>>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -131151815825938052L;

private Ignite currentIgniteInstance;

public List<String> call() throws Exception {
List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
IgniteCache<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> personCache = currentIgniteInstance.cache("SQL_PUBLIC_PERSON").withKeepBinary();

IgniteBiPredicate<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> filter = (BinaryObject key, BinaryObject value) -> {
return key.hasField("CITY_ID") && key.<Long>field("CITY_ID") == cityId;

ScanQuery<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> query = new ScanQuery<>(filter);

try (QueryCursor<Entry<BinaryObject, BinaryObject>> cursor = personCache.query(query)) {
Iterator<Entry<BinaryObject, BinaryObject>> itr = cursor.iterator();

while (itr.hasNext()) {
Entry<BinaryObject, BinaryObject> cache = itr.next();

return names;

In this example, we are getting list of person residing in same city. We are calling compute grid on SQL_PUBLIC_CITY cache to query with affinitykey cityId and the IgniteCallable task. In the IgniteCallable task, we have @IgniteInstanceResource which will be injected by the Ignite server running this task.

4. Apache Ignite Data Grid example

This example will usage of Ignite as in memory data grid.

try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(defaultIgniteCfg("ignite-data-grid"))) {
IgniteCache personCache = ignite.getOrCreateCache("personCache");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
personCache.put(i, "Gaurav " + i);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

5. Apache Ignite Service grid example

interface TimeService extends Service {
public LocalDateTime currentDateTime();
static class TimeServiceImpl implements TimeService {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 3977097368864906176L;

public void cancel(ServiceContext ctx) {
System.out.println("Service is cancelled!");

public void init(ServiceContext ctx) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Service is initialized!");

public void execute(ServiceContext ctx) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Service is deployed!");

public LocalDateTime currentDateTime() {
return LocalDateTime.now();
try (Ignite ignite = Ignition.start(defaultIgniteCfg("ignite-service-grid"))) {
ignite.services().deployClusterSingleton("timeServiceImpl", new TimeServiceImpl());

TimeService timeService = ignite.services().service("timeServiceImpl");

System.out.println("Current time is: " + timeService.currentDateTime());

If you want to deploy some service on grid than it should implement Service interface. Also, service grid deployments are not zero deployments. You need to put the compiled jars to the Apache Ignite server instance and than need to restart the instance as well.

Tags: Apache Ignite, Compute Grid, distributed caching, distributed database, in-memory data grid, Apache Ignite Examples

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