Java 8 - Lambda expressions

We will start with What Lambda expressions are, syntax for lambda expressions, defining no paramter/ single or multi parameter lambda expressions, return value from Lambda expressions, accessing local variables from Lambda expressions and end the post with target typing in lambda expressions.

1. What are Lambda expressions?

Lambda expressions are the first step of Java towards functional programming. Lambda expressions enable us to treat functionality as method arguments, express instances of single-method classes more compactly.

2. Syntax

Lambda has three parts:

(param) -> { System.out.println(param); }

Lambda expression can only be used where the type they are matched are functional interfaces.

3. How to define no parameter lambda expression?

If the lambda expression is matching against no parameter method, it can be written as:

() -> System.out.println("No paramter expression");

4. How to define single/ multi parameter lambda expression?

If lambda expression is matching against method which take one or more parameter, it can be written as:

(param) -> System.out.println("Single param expression: " + param);

(paramX, paramY) -> System.out.println("Two param expression: " + paramX + ", " + paramX);

You can also define the type of parameter in Lambda expression.

(Employee e) -> System.out.println(e);

5. How to return value from Lambda expression?

You can return value from lambda just like a method did.

(param) -> {
// perform some steps
return "some value";

In case lambda is performing single step and returning value. Then you can write it as:

(int a, int b) -> return, b);

// or simply lambda will automatically figure to return this value
(int a, int b) ->, b);

6. Accessing local variables in Lambda expression

Lambda can access the final or effectively final variables of the method in which they are defined. They can also access the instance variables of enclosing class.

7. Target typing in Lambda expression

You might have seen in earlier code snippets that we have omitted the type of parameter, return value and the type of Lambda. Java compiler determines the target type from the context lambda is defined.

Compiler checks three things:

Now, Let's jump to an example to verify it.

interface InterfaceA {
void doWork();
interface InterfaceB<T> {
T doWork();
class LambdaTypeCheck {

public static void main (String[] args) {
LambdaTypeCheck typeCheck = new LambdaTypeCheck();
typeCheck.invoke(() -> "I am done with you");

public <T> T invoke (InterfaceB<T> task) {
return task.doWork();

public void invoke (InterfaceA task) {

When you call typeCheck.invoke(() -> "I am done with you"); then invoke (InterfaceB<T> task) will be called. Because the lambda return value which is matched by InterfaceB<T>.

Tags: java.util.function package, Functional Interfaces, Java 8 @FunctionalInterface annotation, Java, Java 8

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