Java 8 - What are default and static methods in interface?

We will start with Introduction to default and static methods then how to define default and static methods, why we need default and static methods and end the post with default methods and multiple inheritance ambiguity problem.

1. Introduction

Java 8 introduced default and static methods in interfaces. These features allow us to add new functionality in the interfaces without breaking the existing contract for implementing classes.

2. How to define default and static methods in interface?

Default method has default and static method has static keyword in the method signature.

public interface InterfaceA {
double someMethodA();

default double someDefaultMethodB() {
// some default implementation

static void someStaticMethodC() {
//helper method implementation
Few points for default method

3. Why do we need default and static methods?

Consider an existing Expression interface with existing implementation like ConstantExpression, BinaryExpression, DivisionExpression and so on. Now, you want to add new functionality of returning the signum of the evaluated result and/or want to get the signum after evaluating the expression. This can be done with default and static methods without breaking any functionality as follows.

public interface Expression {
double evaluate();

default double signum() {
return signum(evaluate());

static double signum(double value) {
return Math.signum(value);

You can find the full code on Github.

4. Default methods and multiple inheritance ambiguity problem

Java support multiple inheritance of interfaces. Consider you have two interfaces InterfaceA and InterfaceB with same default method and your class implements both the interfaces.

interface InterfaceA {
void performA();
default void doSomeWork() {

interface InterfaceB {
void performB();

default void doSomeWork() {

class ConcreteC implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {


The above code will fail to compile with error: unrelated defaults for doSomeWork() from InterfaceA and InterfaceB. To overcome this problem, you need to override the default method.

class ConcreteC implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
public void doSomeWork() {


If you don't want to provide implementation of overridden default method but want to reuse one. That is also possible with following syntax.

class ConcreteC implements InterfaceA, InterfaceB {
public void doSomeWork() {

Tags: static methods in interface, default methods in interface, Java, Java 8

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