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I write posts on Java, Concurrency, Design patterns, Spring Boot, React and anything that I learn on technology.

Latest Posts - Page 9

Spring Framework - New RequestMapping annotations

07 Jan, 2017

There are some new improvements in Spring Boot 1.4 and Spring 4.3 which lead to a better readability and some use of annotations, particularly with HTTP request methods. @GetMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping, @PostMapping have been introduced.


Software Design - Single Responsibility Principle

06 Jan, 2017

Single responsibility principle was introduced by Tom DeMarco in his book "Structured Analysis and Systems Specification, 1979". Robert Martin reinterpreted the concept and defined the responsibility as a reason to change. A class should have only one reason to change.


Apache AVRO - Generating classes from Schema

02 Jan, 2017

Apache Avro supports two ways to generate classes from schema. i.e. Pragmatically generating schema or using maven AVRO plugin.


Apache AVRO - Introduction

01 Jan, 2017

Apache Avro is data serialization library.


Object Cloning in Java

09 Dec, 2014

Object cloning is the process of creating exact copy of the given object. There are two pre-requisite in java; 1) implement Cloneable interface and 2) override the clone() method defined in the java.lang.Object class.


Software Design - Open Close Principle

22 Oct, 2014

Bertrand Meyer coined the term open close principle in his 1988 book Object Oriented Software Construction. Software entities like classes, modules and functions should be "open for extension but closed for modifications".
