Tagged “Spring Framework”

Spring Framework - New RequestMapping annotations

07 Jan, 2017

There are some new improvements in Spring Boot 1.4 and Spring 4.3 which lead to a better readability and some use of annotations, particularly with HTTP request methods. @GetMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping, @PostMapping have been introduced.


Spring Framework - A Quickstart for Spring Core

08 Feb, 2017

Spring context is also termed as Spring IoC container which is responsible for instantiate, configure and assemble the beans by reading configuration meta data from XML, Java annotations and/ or Java code in configuration files.


Spring Framework - A Java configuration for Spring

09 Feb, 2017

Configuration annotation indicates that there is one or more bean methods and spring containers can process to generate bean definitions at runtime.


Spring Framework - What is Dependency Injection?

12 Feb, 2017

Dependency injection is a process in which objects define their dependencies i.e. other objects they require to work, through a constructor, setter methods, factory methods.


Spring Framework - What is Import annotation?

12 Feb, 2017

Import annotation is equivalent to <import/> element in Spring XML configuration. It helps in splitting the single Java based configuration file into small, modular, maintainable and component based configuration.


Spring Framework - Bean scopes

13 Feb, 2017

There are seven bean scopes Spring supports out of which five are only available if your ApplicationContext is web-aware. These are singleton, prototype, request, session, globalSession, application and websocket.


Spring Boot - A quickstart

16 Feb, 2017

We will create a simple Spring Boot application which will run on embedded Apache Tomcat.


Spring Boot - Changing and configuring default embedded server

16 Feb, 2017

Spring Boot supports Tomcat, Undetow and Jetty as embedded servers. Now, we will change and/ or configure the default embedded server and common properties to all the available servers.


Spring Boot - ApplicationRunner vs CommandLineRunner

17 Feb, 2017

Spring Boot provides two interfaces CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner to run specific piece of code when application is fully started. These interfaces get called just before run() on SpringApplication completes.


Spring Boot - Restful webservices with Jersey

19 Feb, 2017

In this post, we will create Restful webservices with Jersey deployed on embedded Undertow server as a Spring Boot Application.


Spring Boot - Spring Data JPA with embedded database

07 Mar, 2017

We will create a Restful web-services which will use JPA to persist the data in the embedded database(h2).


Spring Security - How to use Basic Authentication?

14 Mar, 2017

It’s simplest of all techniques and probably most used as well. You use login/password forms – it’s basic authentication only. You input your username and password and submit the form to server, and application identify you as a user – you are allowed to use the system – else you get error.


Spring Security - How to use Digest Authentication?

14 Mar, 2017

This authentication method makes use of a hashing algorithms to encrypt the password (called password hash) entered by the user before sending it to the server. This, obviously, makes it much safer than the basic authentication method, in which the user’s password travels in plain text (or base64 encoded) that can be easily read by whoever intercepts it.


Spring Framework - What is PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer?

24 Apr, 2017

We will externalize the properties used in the application in a property file and will use PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer to resolve the placeholder at application startup time.


Spring Security - How to use Form based authentication?

21 May, 2017

This authentication method makes use of Login form (username and password) to authenticate.


Spring JDBC - How to perform batch update?

06 Jan, 2019

There are many different variants of batchUpdate methods available in JdbcTemplate. We will specifically look into those which uses BatchPreparedStatementSetter and ParameterizedPreparedStatementSetter.


Spring JDBC - How to return auto-generated keys using PreparedStatementCreator and PreparedStatementCallback?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface of Spring JDBC module which is used by JdbcTemplate to map rows of java.sql.ResultSet. It is typically used when you query data..


Spring JDBC - What is PreparedStatementSetter?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface of Spring JDBC module which is used by JdbcTemplate to map rows of java.sql.ResultSet. It is typically used when you query data..


Spring JDBC - What is ResultSetExtractor?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface used by query methods of JdbcTemplate. It is better suitable if you want to map one result object per ResultSet otherwise RowMapper is simpler choice to map one row of ResultSet with one object.


Spring JDBC - What is RowMapper?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface of Spring JDBC module which is used by JdbcTemplate to map rows of java.sql.ResultSet. It is typically used when you query data..


Spring JDBC - What is Spring JdbcTemplate?

06 Jan, 2019

JdbcTemplate is the core class of Spring JDBC. It simplifies your interaction with low-level error prone details of JDBC access. You only pass the SQL statement to execute, parameters and processing logic for the returned data and rest is handled by it i.e. Opening Connection, transaction handling, error handling and closing Connection, Statement and Resultset.


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