Design Patterns - Strategy Design Pattern

We will start with what Strategy design pattern is and then showcase an example on how to define various Strategies and Context classes.

1. What is Strategy design pattern?

Strategy design pattern comes under the category behavioural pattern. It is also known as Policy pattern. It defines a family of algorithms and encapsulates each algorithm. The algorithm can be interchanged without changing much code. It bury algorithm implementation details in derived classes. It favours composition over inheritance.

2. Implementation

Let's take an example of file compression. There are many algorithms that exists which can compress files. We will only focus on zip and rar based compression in this example. We first will define the algorithm for Compression in the form of interface and that will have two implementation classes and one context class.

2.1. Interface

class CompressionStrategy {
void compress(Directory src, Directory destination);

2.2. Concrete classes

class ZipCompresion implements CompressionStrategy {
public void compress(Directory src, Directory destination) {
// zip based compression logic goes here

class RarCompression implements CompressionStrategy {
public void compress(Directory src, Directory destination) {
// zip based compression logic goes here

2.3. Context

class FileCompressor {
private CompressionStrategy strategy;

public void setCompressionStrategy(CompressionStrategy strategy) {
this.strategy = strategy;

public void createArchive(Directory src, Directory destination) {
if (src == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Src directory is required");

if (destination == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination directory is required");

strategy.compress(src, destination);

Composition is favoured over inheritence in Strategy design pattern. We have composed the CompressionStrategy in FileCompressor aka Context class and defined setter method to change the strategy at runtime in FileCompressor.

Tags: Design Patterns, Strategy design pattern, Behavioural design pattern, Policy pattern, Composition over inheritence, Java

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