Tagged “Design Patterns”

Design Patterns - Singleton

13 Sep, 2014

Singleton is design pattern which comes under creational pattern. Sometimes, it is important to have one instance of class or we can say, it provide single global entry point to the object.


Design Patterns - Strategy Design Pattern

13 Sep, 2014

Strategy design pattern comes under the category behavioural pattern. It is also known as Policy pattern. It defines a family of algorithms and encapsulates each algorithm. The algorithm can be interchanged without changing much code. It bury algorithm implementation details in derived classes. It favours composition over inheritance.


Design Patterns - Abstract Factory design pattern

18 Sep, 2014

Abstract Factory design pattern comes under the category creational pattern. It is also called factory of factories. It provides a way to encapsulate a group of factories which have common behaviour or theme without specifying which underlying concrete objects are created. It is one level of abstraction higher than Factory pattern.


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