React Ecosystem - State management with Redux

In the previous post, we created a blog post application with React and managed local state with useState hook. We will extend the same application and will introduce Redux and react-redux library for state management and @reduxjs/toolkit for opinionating setting up the redux store and creating selector function on state.

1. Adding required libraries

Run npm i --save @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux @types/react-redux from root of the project to add required set of libraries for this post.

2. Which new functions we will be using in this example?

2.1. @reduxjs/toolkit: configureStore

This function provides a convenient abstraction over createStore function of redux library. It adds good defaults to the store for better experience(e.g. DevTools, Redux-Thunk for async actions).

2.2. @reduxjs/toolkit: createSlice

This function accepts an initial state, list of reducers and a 'slice name' and automatically generates action creators and action types for the reducer. You can also pass extraReducers to it for handling other complex reductions.

2.3. react-redux: useDispatch

This hook let's you access dispatch function of redux.

2.4. react-redux: useSelector

This Hook let's you tap on redux state and filter content. It takes selector function and optional equality function for state. If you require complex selector (memoized), then reselect library is a good choice. In this example, we will use simple selector on state.

2.5. React: useEffect

This hook is a combination of componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate and componentWillUnmount lifecycle methods of React. This hooks accepts the imperative function which can return the cleanup function as return statement; which will get executed on before every re-render. You can read a detailed post in React docs.

3. Configuring redux store

Create store.ts under src/redux folder.

import { configureStore, ThunkAction, Action } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import blogPostsReducer from './reducer/blogPostsSlice';

export const store = configureStore({
reducer: {
blogPosts: blogPostsReducer,

// Defining the root state
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
export type AppThunk<ReturnType = void> = ThunkAction<

We are passing blogPostsReducer in the reducer parameter to configureStore function. We will be creating this reducer shorlty. Also, We have defined two types; one is RootState which defines the type of Root reducer and other is Appthunk which defines the ThunkAction (Async function).

4. Creating reducer for blog posts

Create blogPostsSlice.ts under src/redux/reducer folder.

Let's first add interface BlogPostsState which defines the state this slice will hold.

interface BlogPostsState {
posts: IBlogPost[]

// Initial state of the reducer
const initialState: BlogPostsState = {
posts: []

We will use createSlice function from @reduxjs/toolkit.

const blogPostsSlice = createSlice({
name: 'blogPosts',
reducers: {
// We will soon pass the reducers here

In the previous post, we managed all the local state in the BlogPosts.tsx component. We will start by moving posts stored in the local state to redux state. Define the setPosts reducer function under reducers property of the slice that we are creating.

const blogPostsSlice = createSlice({
name: 'blogPosts',
reducers: {
setPosts: (state, action: PayloadAction<IBlogPost[]>) => {
/*1.*/state.posts = action.payload
// Alternate solution
// return { ...state, posts: action.payload }

//actions froms slice
/*Line 2*/const { setPosts } = blogPostsSlice.actions;

// Async action functions
/*Line 3*/const setPostsAsync = (posts: IBlogPost[]): AppThunk => dispatch => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)

// Selector functions
/*Line 4*/ const selectPosts = (state: RootState) => state.blogPosts.posts;

/*Line 5*/export { selectPosts };

//action functions
/*Line 6*/export { setPosts, setPostsAsync };

// reducer
/*Line 7*/ export default blogPostsSlice.reducer;

5. Update BlogPosts.tsx component

import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import { selectPosts, setPostsAsync } from '../redux/reducer/blogPostsSlice';
Use useEffect hook to update redux state with posts.

function BlogPosts(props: IBlogPostsProps) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();

useEffect(() => {
}, [ props.posts, dispatch ]);


Replace local state management for posts with selecting state from redux store.

/*Remove this line*/ //const [ posts, setPosts ] = useState(props.posts)
/*Add this line*/ const posts = useSelector(selectPosts);

Update onSearch function and replace it setPosts method with dispatch method.

function onSearch() {
if (searchText !== '') {
const foundPosts = props.posts.filter(filterPost)
} else {

6. Update index.tsx

Update index.tsx and wrap component with Provider component.

<Provider store={store}>
<App />

Now, run the application with npm run start command. The application will load as before but only change is we are reffering posts from redux store.

Update BlogPosts.tsx and replace all the local state with redux management state.

interface IBlogPostsProps {
posts: Array<IBlogPost>

function BlogPosts(props: IBlogPostsProps) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();

useEffect(() => {
dispatch(setShowingPostsAsync(props.posts && props.posts.length > 0 ? props.posts[0].id : 0))
}, [ props.posts, dispatch ]);

function findFirstPost(posts: Array<IBlogPost>) : IBlogPost | null {
return posts && posts.length > 0 ? posts[0] : null;

const posts = useSelector(selectPosts);
const showingPost = useSelector(selectShowingPost);
const searchText = useSelector(selectSearchText);
const selectedSearchOn = useSelector(selectSelectedSearchOn);

function onBlogPostLinkClick(id: number): void {

function onChangeHandler(value: string, searchType: SearchType) : void {
if (SearchType.SEARCH_TEXT === searchType) {
} else {
dispatch(setSelectedSearchOn(value === SearchOnFields.TAG ? SearchOnFields.TAG : SearchOnFields.TITLE))

function isMatched(value: string) {
return value.toLowerCase().includes(searchText.toLowerCase())

function filterPost(post: IBlogPost) {
if (selectedSearchOn === 'title') {
return isMatched(post.title)
} else {
return post.tags.some(isMatched)

function onSearch() {
if (searchText !== '') {
const foundPosts = props.posts.filter(filterPost)
dispatch(setShowingPostsAsync(findFirstPost(foundPosts)?.id ?? 0))
} else {
dispatch(setShowingPostsAsync(findFirstPost(props.posts)?.id ?? 0))

return (
<div className="blog-container">
showingPost={showingPost?.id ?? 0}
blogPosts={ => { return {id:, title: post.title }})}

{!!showingPost ? <BlogPost post={showingPost}/>: null }

export default BlogPosts;

7. Refactoring components

Before introducing redux, we managed whole state in the top level component aka BlogPosts.tsx and were passing the various variables to the child components. After introducing redux for state management, we don't require to pass on the various variables to child components. They can query it directly from the redux store using selector functions. Let's update all the components.

  1. Updating BlogPost.tsx.
function BlogPost() {
/*Line 1*/const post = useSelector(selectShowingPost);
return !!post ? (
<div className='blog-post'>
<div className='blog-post-title'>{post.title}</div>
<div className='blog-post-body'>{post.content}</div>
<div className='blog-post-footer'>
<div className='blog-author'>{`By ${} at ${post.postedOn}`}</div>
<div className='blog-tags'>
<div key='tags-label'>Tags: </div>
{ => <div key={tag}>{tag}</div>)}
) : (<></>);

export default BlogPost;

We have removed the props and is using useSelector hook to get the current selectedPost for showing.

  1. Updating BlogSearch.tsx.
function BlogSearch() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();

/*Line 1*/const searchText = useSelector(selectSearchText);
/*Line 2*/const selectedSearchOn = useSelector(selectSelectedSearchOn);

function onSearchTextChange(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void {
/*Line 3*/dispatch(setSearchText(;

function onSearchOnChange(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>): void {
/*Line 4*/dispatch(setSelectedSearchOn( === SearchOnFields.TAG ? SearchOnFields.TAG: SearchOnFields.TITLE));

<div className="blog-search-container">
<div className='blog-search-title'>Search Blog</div>
<div className='blog-search-body'>
<input type="text" className="form-control" autoComplete="off" value={searchText ?? ''} onChange={onSearchTextChange}/>
<select value={selectedSearchOn} className='form-control' onChange={onSearchOnChange}>
<option value={SearchOnFields.TAG}>Tags</option>
<option value={SearchOnFields.TITLE}>Title</option>
<button type="button" className="form-button" onClick={() => { /*Line 5*/dispatch(onSearchAsync()) }}>Search</button>

export default BlogSearch;
  1. Update BlogListing.tsx.
function BlogListing() {
/*Line 1*/const blogPosts: IBlogPostListing[] = useSelector(selectPostsForListing);
/*Line 2*/const showingPostId = useSelector(selectShowingPostId);

const dispatch = useDispatch();

<div className='blog-listing'>
<ul className="blog-posts">
{ => <li className={showingPostId === ? 'active' : ''} key={} onClick={() => /*Line 3*/dispatch(setShowingPostsAsync(}>{post.title}</li>)

export default BlogListing;

At Line 3, we are triggering setShowingPostsAsync action created in blogPostsSlice.ts.

  1. Updating BlogPosts.tsx.
function BlogPosts(props: IBlogPostsProps) {
const dispatch = useDispatch();

useEffect(() => {
dispatch(setShowingPostsAsync(props.posts && props.posts.length > 0 ? props.posts[0].id : 0))
}, [ props.posts, dispatch ]);

return (
<div className="blog-container">

export default BlogPosts;

We have removed all the local state and function which we were passing to the children components. Now, we only are using React useEffect hook to update the redux state with posts.

That's it. :). You can get the full source code of this example from Github.

8. Recap

In this post, we first added new libraries (react-redux, @reduxjs/toolkit). We explained few specific functions that we will be using in this example. Then, we created store.ts, blogPostsSlice.ts and started with replacing local state of posts from BlogPosts.tsx. Then, we replaced searchText, selectedSearchOn and showingPost from local state to redux state. We also added few selector functions. At last, we refactored our example and removed most of the method and variable reference from the top level component BlogPosts.tsx and added those in the respective components.

What's next?

Tags: React, React Hooks, ReactJS, Typescript, Redux, Using @reduxjs/toolkit library

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