Tagged “Spring JDBC”

Spring JDBC - How to perform batch update?

06 Jan, 2019

There are many different variants of batchUpdate methods available in JdbcTemplate. We will specifically look into those which uses BatchPreparedStatementSetter and ParameterizedPreparedStatementSetter.


Spring JDBC - How to return auto-generated keys using PreparedStatementCreator and PreparedStatementCallback?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface of Spring JDBC module which is used by JdbcTemplate to map rows of java.sql.ResultSet. It is typically used when you query data..


Spring JDBC - What is PreparedStatementSetter?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface of Spring JDBC module which is used by JdbcTemplate to map rows of java.sql.ResultSet. It is typically used when you query data..


Spring JDBC - What is ResultSetExtractor?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface used by query methods of JdbcTemplate. It is better suitable if you want to map one result object per ResultSet otherwise RowMapper is simpler choice to map one row of ResultSet with one object.


Spring JDBC - What is RowMapper?

06 Jan, 2019

It is an interface of Spring JDBC module which is used by JdbcTemplate to map rows of java.sql.ResultSet. It is typically used when you query data..


Spring JDBC - What is Spring JdbcTemplate?

06 Jan, 2019

JdbcTemplate is the core class of Spring JDBC. It simplifies your interaction with low-level error prone details of JDBC access. You only pass the SQL statement to execute, parameters and processing logic for the returned data and rest is handled by it i.e. Opening Connection, transaction handling, error handling and closing Connection, Statement and Resultset.


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