Tagged “Spring Security”

Spring Security - How to use Basic Authentication?

14 Mar, 2017

It’s simplest of all techniques and probably most used as well. You use login/password forms – it’s basic authentication only. You input your username and password and submit the form to server, and application identify you as a user – you are allowed to use the system – else you get error.


Spring Security - How to use Digest Authentication?

14 Mar, 2017

This authentication method makes use of a hashing algorithms to encrypt the password (called password hash) entered by the user before sending it to the server. This, obviously, makes it much safer than the basic authentication method, in which the user’s password travels in plain text (or base64 encoded) that can be easily read by whoever intercepts it.


Spring Security - How to use Form based authentication?

21 May, 2017

This authentication method makes use of Login form (username and password) to authenticate.


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