Tagged “ELK stack”

Elasticsearch setup and configuration

01 Jun, 2018

Elasticsearch is highly scalable, broadly distributed open-source full text search and analytics engine. You can in very near real-time search, store and index big volume of data. It internally use Apache Lucene for indexing and storing data. Below are few use cases for it.


How to install Filebeat?

15 Aug, 2018

Filebeat is a light-weight log shipper. It is installed as a agent and listen to your predefined set of log files and locations and forward them to your choice of sink (Logstash, Elasticsearch, database etc.).


How to install Kibana?

15 Aug, 2018

Kibana is a visualization dashboard for Elasticsearch and you can choose many available charts like graphs, pie, bar, histogram etc. or real time textual data and can gain meaningful analytics.


How to install Logstash?

15 Aug, 2018

Logstash is data processing pipeline which ingests the data simultaneously from multiple data sources, transform it and send it to different `stash` i.e. Elasticsearch, Redis, database, rest endpoint etc. For example; Ingesting logs files; cleaning and transforming it to machine and human readable formats.


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